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  • Charles L Robinson Jr.

3/24/23 ECP Norbl: "Forgive: More than a thought, It's an Action" authored by Charles L. Robinson Jr

Updated: Mar 26, 2023

A February-March Norlbl (New or Refreshed Leisure Biblical Learning) originated by Charles L. Robinson Jr. of Edifying Christian Publications for his (Charles L. Robinson Jr's) ECP Family.

This month's lesson (representing the last two month lessons) is regarding the discussion "to forgive". It's a topic (liken to other topics) that sometimes remains in the sphere of thought needing transition to the sphere of action. Even in the sphere of action (regarding - to forgive), actions that dwell in "to forgive" find themselves (actions) out of context which ultimately creates muddle regarding the principle "to forgive". This lesson my ECP Family has a two fold purpose: 1) Identify clarity (not muddle) regarding "to forgive" action(s), and 2) Encourage you all to choose the actions related "to forgive".

When a person biblically forgives, the action "to forgive" is defined from the Greek word "Aphiemi" which means to pardon; to remit; to cancel; to leave; to abandon; to allow; to permit; and to tolerate. For clarity, the following words are used in the context (meaning; constant-faithful; and continuing- without cease) regarding a person "to forgive":

Pardon: to forgive is to excuse (dismiss) a person for their offence - mistake and release them from punishment regarding their offence - mistake.

Remit: to forgive is the actual payment to cancel or refrain from exacting a penalty or punishment regarding a person's offence - mistake.

Cancel: to forgive is to postpone indefinitely, revoke, and annul the offence - mistake of someone else regarding their offence - mistake.

Abandon: to forgive is to yield control of or concern in the offence or mistake of someone else (from the perspective of - letting it go.)

Allow: to forgive is to accept and approve to excuse, cancel, and to release - let go of someone else's offence - mistake.

Permit: to forgive is to possess permission and authorization (ultimately by God, through Christ Jesus) to excuse, cancel, and to release - let go of someone else's offence - mistake.

Tolerate: to forgive is to bear excusing, canceling, and releasing - letting go of someone else's offence - mistake without hinderance (in addition, without hinderance includes bearing anything or anyone allowing a person to not excuse, to not cancel, or to not release - not let go of someone else's offence - mistake.- i.e. nothing or no one indirectly should successfully influence the direct action(s) of a person"to forgive".

ECP Family, it's common for our Norlbl's to consist of exercises such as first and last letter word searches and crossword puzzles for leisure learning. This month's Norlbl consists of a "leisure remembrance" exercise. Take time and look at each above word (in bold type setting) in leisure relaxation (if need be, with rested eyes calmly closed) for memorization of the word definitions to saturate your whole heart, soul, and mind in proper context "to forgive".

* In addition, read the 3/24/23 ECP Blurb titled "Are You Talking About It?" posted on 3/24/23 on the site and/or It's a concise discussion on reconciliation which is interrelated to this Norlbl principle "to forgive".

You and your families have a wonderful study. God bless you all, In Christ.

3/24/23 Norlbl supporting pericope:

"Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but Until seventy times seven" Matthew 18:21-22

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