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  • Charles L Robinson Jr.

5/29/23 "I need your help" originated by Charles L. Robinson Jr.

Good morning ECP Followers and anyone else who discovers this message. Happy Memorial Day and the may love, peace, and joy of our heavenly Father through Christ Jesus saturate your hearts, minds, souls, and spirits.

In the midst of God's omniscience (all knowing), part of his "all knowing" is that there is a need for us (humanity) to bring various issues to him (the one true God) for his care at his throne in the third heaven through the one mediator Christ Jesus. His (God's) omniscience speaks transparent and literal regarding prayers (bringing various issues to him for his care) being conducted always; without ceasing; and accompanying watchfulness.

Specifically the Danville Illinois and surrounding areas (not excluding other communities within the entire world), there has been recent activities progressing that has been at God's throne in the third heaven through Christ Jesus and continuously needs to remain at the throne of God through Christ Jesus for his (God's.) This confirms the always; without ceasing; and watchfulness related to prayer. I need your help, join me in prayer specifically regarding activities that present (strong) temptations of addictions; other various bondages; sordid gain; sorcery; and unhealthy relationships which all summarizes deceit purposed to draw people away from Kingdom (of heaven-God) living within communities. Pray for the weak to gain strength though the Holy Spirit against the prowler and for the tempter to lose taste of prowling on the weak (your prayers accompanying watchfulness helps keeps you in sight of relevant surficial circumstances that present the temptations.) What are we asking for from God, through Christ Jesus? Simply, communities consisting of people living free from addictions; free from other various bondage circumstances; the Spirit of God (and not sorcery or any other spirit contrary to the Spirit of God) being the source to fellowship with; no desire for gain through sordid means; and healthy, edifying, exhorting relationships in Christ Jesus.

Remember, you can provide your specific prayer requests here at through a response-comment to this message or ECP Community Prayer Group at You and your families have a fun filled amazing day!

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