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  • Charles L Robinson Jr.

7/9/23 ECP Quarterly Norlbl: originated-authored by Charles L. Robinson Jr.

ECP Followers, new learning(s) for progression or refreshed learning(s) for revival through this quarterly ECP Norlbl presents: Understanding God's perspectives day after day through life experiences (divine revealings) keep welter a footstool. The creator's (the one true God through Christ Jesus) love for his creation (humanity) exemplifies the design of creation's capabilities to know the creator. Today's biblical text's admixture, with patronized principles for review, complies your leisure study handed from the love of God. Enjoy your leisure review. In Christ, Charles L. Robinson Jr.


"For as many as have sinned without the law shall also perish without the law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; (For not hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in the hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) In the day God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to the gospel" Romans 2:12-16


  1. Did God reveal his perspective(s) regarding issues of life without physical presence of the law?

  2. If question #1 is yes, who was exampled as receiving God's perspectives(s) without physical presence of the law?

  3. Was there self accountability of understanding God's perspective(s) regarding issues of life day after day without possessing the physical presence of the law?

  4. Was it justifiable to believe in receiving God's perspective(s) regarding issues of life without the law?

  5. Without the presence of the physical law, was understandings of God's perspective(s) regarding issues of life instinctively received through experiences of life?

  6. Was the law present in consciences (thoughts) without the physical presence of the law?

  7. Was the law present in hearts without the physical presence of the law?

  8. Did the physical law become phyically present?

  9. If question #8 is yes, who was exampled as receiving God's physical law?

  10. Physical law or no physical law, understanding(s) of God's perspectives(s) regarding life issues were provided day after day?

  11. Physical law or no physical law, accountability of God's perspectives regarding issues of life was applicable day after day?

  12. By majority consensus, who wrote this theological Epistle of Romans?

  13. By majority consensus, when was the Epistle of Romans written?

  14. By majority consensus, where was the Epistle of Romans written?

  15. Who was the letter of Romans primarily addressed to?

  16. Describe some spiritual dispositions of the primary recipients of the epistle of Romans?

  17. Identify some reasons regarding the purpose of the letter of Romans?

  18. How did the primary recipients recieve the epistle of Romans?

  19. In this present age, does the gospel provide understandings of God's perspective(s) regarding day after day issues of life?

  20. In this present age, are understandings of God's perspectives(s) regarding day after day issues of life provided without the Gospel?

  21. In today's age, irrelevant of the physical presence of the Gospel, there is accountability regarding understanding God's perspective(s) regarding day after day issues of life?

  22. In today's age, does conscience(s) - thought(s) bringforth awakenings towards God's perspectives regarding day after day issues of life?

  23. In today's age, is there an expectation from God to successfully act upon the awakenings that conscience(s) presents that dwell on hearts?


1) Yes 2) Gentiles 3) Yes 4) Yes 5) Yes 6)Yes 7) Yes 8)Yes 9) Jews 10) Yes 11) Yes 12) The Apostle Paul 13) Aprrox. 56-58 A.D. 14) Corinth 15) Believers at Rome 16) Not backslidden; as all believers, the need for continued encouragement and increased measures of faith (as all belivers.) 17) Greater familiarize and prepare the believers at Rome for the Apostle Paul and his physical arrival at Rome; encourage the believers at Rome; the Apostle Paul to be encouaged by believers in Rome for his upcoming assignment in Spain. 18) Hand delivered by Phoebe 19) Yes 20) Yes 21) Yes 22) Yes 23)Yes


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