Happy New Year! As we transition from this past calendar year (of 2024) into this new calendar year (of 2025), I would like first and foremost to honor God (through Christ Jesus) for his grace, mercy, love, forbearance, protection, and provision day by day this past calendar year. Yes, keeping things in proper perspective, we all have been blessed by God's grace(s.) I speak continuous blessings in all our lives moving into this calendar year of 2025.
In the midst of established upcoming contemplations and goals for this new year (of 2025), the Holy Spirit has put on my heart to share with you to "consider the passenger seat". Most have experienced both dispositions of being behind the wheel (in a car) and being in the passenger seat while someone else has been behind the wheel. For those who have not been behind the wheel (in a car), they at least understand the amenities of the passenger seat. For those that have been behind the wheel (in a car), most have experienced also being in the passenger seat. In other words, everyone should be able to relatively relate to the passenger seat. With that being said, everyone should be able to relatively relate to a couple of amenities of the passenger seat such as: 1) A mind made up to not arrive to personal destiny(s) without help. Keep in mind that this implies that most people will only take the ride with someone else behind the wheel that gets them to their destiny safe. 2) In the midst of traveling to personal destiny(s) in comfort with help (with the someone else behind the wheel), most will engage in mutual communication. Keep in mind that both can talk (whoever is behind the wheel and the passenger can talk.) Keep in mind that there is the option of only one talking while the other is silent. However, in the journey experience, it's beneficial for the passenger to hear the voice of the one behind the wheel and it's beneficial for the one behind the wheel to hear the passenger's voice, and 3) Keep in mind that in the passenger seat you do not lose control. Why think this? Because one huge false perception (seducing delusion) is that being in the passenger seat (not being behind the wheel) one loses control of their personal destiny(s). How does one keep personal control? It's one's free will choice to get behind the wheel, to get in the passenger seat, to get in the car at all, or to get out of the car. One does not lose control in the passenger seat rather than one decides to get to their destiny accepting safe help. Healthy personal control is within personally choosing wisdom. Even in the midst of taking the wheel for the sole sense of not losing control, most people still realize that someone else (God) has more (ultimate) control. What does this mean? In general, there has been throughout history and will continue to be (in this dispensation of time) seducing spirits creating delusions selling untruths as truths. Specifically in the context of this devotion, seducing spirits create the delusion of one having to take the wheel to not lose personal control of destinies but remember ultimately one's personal control resides in his or her personal free will choices while still using wisdom to allow someone (God) that ultimately has control to safely control the destiny. God is always present anyway (providence.) Therefore, I (Charles L. Robinson Jr.) personally encourage all (being that God is always present anyway) to wisely allow God to take the wheel and enjoy the mutual communication along the way. Remember, you do not lose personal control in doing so because you always have the free will to make your own personal choices. However, in doing so, you choose wisdom by allowing the one in ultimate control (God) to safely take you to your destinies.
Solomon allowed God to take the wheel. Then Solomon took over the wheel (he experienced seducing spirits that created delusions.) Then Solomon, throughout mutual communication with God, eventually allowed God to retake the wheel. In other words, Solomon considered the passenger seat! He eventually realized that God was with him throughout all his free will choices. He eventually realized that he never lost personal control from the perspective that he always had personal free will choices. However, in the midst of not losing personal control throughout free will choices, Solomon realized that God had and has more (ultimate) control. Solomon realized that he could get to destinies but without God behind the wheel it would be vanity.
Enjoy this new year (of 2025) in the passenger seat as God takes the wheel. God bless you and your families and share this devotion with others for their encouragement moving into 2025.
And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith. I have seen all the works that are done under the sun: behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. Ecclesiastes 1:13-14
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13
The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. Psalms 14:2
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. 1 Timothy 4:1
charleslrobinsonjr.com (Select Devotions)