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  • Charles L Robinson Jr.

"Godly freedom comes with Godly callings" ~ Author Charles L. Robinson Jr.

Today's devotion is a friendly encouragement reminding you that people who are called by God to do God's works separate from other people (separate from other groups) that are also called to do God's works are still genuinely in the one big family of God (through Christ Jesus.) When you are genuinely doing a work called by God (with and/or without other groups), as long as the work is called by God that's all that matters irrelevant of the setting. It's written, Jesus rebuked the little, narrow, small, and petty mindedness of thinking, understanding, and accepting that God's called works have to be exclusively in a particular setting with a particular group to be deemed a legitimate - a conforming Godly work (i.e. - Jesus rebuked sectarianism.)

A side note said to feed your sober - mindedness: If you experience resistance towards your Godly freedom within your Godly calling, be encouraged that you are not doing anything wrong, you are simply experiencing normal spiritual warfare. Pray for the diagnosis of the resistance towards Godly freedom (for example the diagnosis of resistance towards Godly freedom could be insecurity, jealously, fear, ignorance, unhealthy control which includes insecurity, jealousy, fear, and ignorance, etc. - a spirit that senses lack looking at Godly callings is insecurity; a spirit that strongly dislikes-covets when looking at Godly callings is jealousy; a spirit that's threatened when looking at Godly callings is fear; a spirit that simply doesn't understand what it's looking at when it's looking at Godly callings is ignorance, etc. All these spirits resist Godly freedom.) Even John experienced ignorance when he was looking at another Godly calling. So again, you are not doing anything wrong, just simply pray that the specific resistance is delivered and understand the resisting of Godly freedom spirit works through individuals and corporately - perspective communities. Extremely crucial, you have to also pray for discernment beside diagnosis Why? Because the diagnosis helps you see the rooted issue (the identified spirit) whereas discernment helps you see the surficial issue - the posing excuse- alternative reason(s.). Think about it: the resisting spirit towards Godly freedom will pose as something different (excuse) than it's true identity of insecurity, jealousy, fear, ignorance, etc. In other words, the rooted spirit (more than likely) will not transparently confess it's true identity and say "I'm jealous, I'm insecure, I'm threatened, or I'm ignorant. Therefore, you have to see it's true identity and its posing identity - alternative reason(s.)

In conclusion, remain mindful that your Godly calling is directed by the Spirit of God which includes works that will include other groups of people and that doesn't include other groups of people. Please stay free so the Spirt of God can use you freely because Godly freedom come with your Godly calling. You and your family have a wonderful day!

"And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils, in thy name, and we forbade him, because he followeth not us. But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. For he that is not against us is for us". Mark 9:38-40

"Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" 2 Corinthians 3:17 (Select Devotions - All Devotions)

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