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  • Charles L Robinson Jr.

"How much is your personal cost?" ~ Author Charles L. Robinson Jr.

Washing clothes everyday may not disturb a particular female whereas washing clothes everyday may disturb a particular male. The particular male disturbed by clothes being washed everyday may not be disturbed by a specific television show whereas the particular female not disturbed by washing clothes everyday may be disturbed by the specific television show. What is the point? The male and female may have different circumstances in life that disturb-agitate them but the one thing they (the male and female) typically have in common (typically everyone) is they both prefer smoothness in all areas of their lives and not disturbances-agitations. In order for both the male and female to have consistent smoothness (not agitations) in all circumstances in life, the male and female have to personally pay a cost to be yoked. Being yoked meaning what is going to cost each perspective person (the male and female) to be personally willing to allow God to regulate their lives and specifically in areas that God's regulations are challenging (adjustments.) Today's devotion is about taking time to personally think about your personal cost to be yoked. Keep in mind, typically it easier to want smoothness in all areas of life (to be yoked) than it is to actually pay the cost for smoothness in all areas of life. However, being that there is an extremely high probability that you prefer to experience smoothness in all areas of life and not disturbances-agitations, it's essential you count up the cost. How much is your personal cost to get yoked.? Spoil yourself, you deserve it (the smoothness) and God wants you to experience it. You and your families have a beautiful day!

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light". Matthew 11:29-30

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