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  • Charles L Robinson Jr.

"It makes your wait a whole lot better" ~ Author Charles L. Robinson Jr.

Oftentimes the awareness and settling of being blessed by God come through actual happenings in your life backed by God. Not only by observation but direct experience, you know personally what it feels like when something has happened or happens in your life that makes you say "Thank you Jesus". I want you to know that the same gratifying-settling feeling that you experience in those "Thank you Jesus" actual happenings, is the same gratifying-settling feeling you should feel in your waiting period- your dependency on God period before you experience your "Thank you Jesus" actual happening(s). In so many words, that what Jesus was saying to a people on the Mount: Your partially kingdom fulfilled experience(s) is your gratifying-settling happening now experience(s) before your upcoming full kingdom gratifying-settling happening experience(s), just depend on me (thus say Jesus.) Think, believe, and know that it's written that you possess gratifying-settling blessedness in your waiting period-your dependency on God period even before your added blessing(s) of your actual happenings. It makes your wait a whole lot better! You and your families have an amazing day.

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven". Matthew 5:3 (Select Devotions - All Devotions)

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