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Charles L Robinson Jr.

"Little learning but correct doing has serious weight" ~ Author Charles L. Robinson Jr.

The Holy Bible puts emphasis specifically on much learning but not doing things correctly (please note that this is an encouragement for learning in abundance, however, learning alone is not enough. How do we know this: Is salvation based on diplomas on a wall? Was Pentecost based on memorization of formulas? Can medicine explain all healings? I think you get the picture, learning alone is not enough.)

The anti-thesis within the above proposition of much learning but not doing things correctly is possessing little learning but do things correctly. This devotion is an encouragement focusing on the anti-thesis, the little learning but doing things correctly: Keep doing the correct thing within the things you know; the things you don't know don't do until you do know (at least know to some degree); and while learning more and more in abundance, do the correct things in your new learnings just as you have done the correct things in your previous learnings. Know that your current season of little learning but correct doing has serious weight, so much weight that it weighs more than much learning and not doing correct. You and your families have a very nice day!

"Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of truth" 2 Timothy 3:7 (Select Devotions - All Devotions)

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