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  • Charles L Robinson Jr.

"Stir it up, Stir it up, Stir it up" ~ Charles L. Robinson Jr.

As a fire requires very specific perpetual things (such as wood) for functioning, there are similarities regarding the gift(s) that God has given you that dwells within you. Your gift(s) that God has given you (we will use 'helps' as an example for this devotion) has very specific perpetual things needed for functioning. If you are aware of your specific perpetual things, I encourage you to continue to implement your specific perpetual things (for the stirring.) If you are not aware of your specific perpetual things, that's perfectly ok because everyone has had and has a beginning. This devotion (in addition to those who know their specific perpetual things- gifts for the stirring) can bring attention towards discovering your specific perpetual things-gifts for the stirring. A loving recommendation is to think and do in specificity that has now and eternal value: First and foremost, discover and define your specific gift(s) - here exampled 'helps' (engage with God, engage with your pastor, engage with an elder, go through spiritual gift exercises-evaluations, etc.); read specific scriptures encompassing relevance to your specific gift(s); pray, pray, and pray for God's spirit to specifically give you understandings, effective articulation of your understandings, wisdom, strength, fruit bearing, and his (God's) glory. Then more prayer and counseling for specific settings to apply your practicing faith regarding your gift (helps, etc.) Stir it up, Stir it up, Stir it up! You and your families have a beautiful day.

"Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that though stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands". 2 Timothy 1:6

"For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that is which to come". 1 Timothy 4:8 (Select Devotions - All Devotions)

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